What's the best Dac for the money

I've been looking for a Dac , approx to spend $5-7 k here is a list I've tried calyx femto $7000 very good but very sterile , Abington research $4000 but found it had no soul $4500 , then a friend told me about a Dac by audio horizon and a trial program they have with there gear , interested buyers can try it on there systems , so I arranged to get one shipped for trial

This Dac was really something micro detail a lot better than the others soundstage was huge , bottom end better especially for a $3500 price tAg compared to the others , I just want to know if others had the same results , as I forward the money for purchase this Dac this audio horizon Dac is the real deal , it surprises me on every cd
I'd suggest the Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSD SE with Femto clock upgrade, all for under 3K.
Mitch, that seems to be about the Price if the L6, so only the L7 would be more expensive.
Yeah, I should have said the "top" Lampizator and Rowland DACs.

The Aqua has some interesting features such as their use of a galvanic and magnetic separation circuit with high-speed opto-couplers, hybrid tube/Mosfet output stage, and modular design. I am curious how those who have heard it would rank the SQ.
I have two mhdt non-oversampling DACs, a Paradisea and A Constantine, and both are extremely good for the low price of admission. I auditioned various "reference level" setups when I was looking, and I feel no need to change.

Have not heard the more recent mhdt models though, so cannot speak for those, but I have never read anything except praise about any mhdt DAC, which is why I decided to give them a go originally.