To fix or not to fix

Jolida 100A CD player. After about 45 minutes of playing it begins to skip and pop. Jolida is saying $100-200 to fix (plus shipping).
Rest of system Cary Sli 80 amplifier and Merlin VSM speakers.
I also do have an Arcam rDAC, but my separate transport for that has been unreliable (fixed twice and will not do again).
Want to keep budget under $5-700 if replacing (would get used but reliable equipment)
Mapman, great idea.
Any thoughts about the Bluesound Vault?
There is one listed now in my price range.
Presently using Arcam rDac, wondering about sound quality?
I've seen Bluesound in stores but not very familiar with it. Seems like good stuff. It's a NAD related brand I believe.

I've been running old Squeezebox system for several years.

Are you an Amazon prime customer? If so, Fire TV box running PLEX out to DAC is a very cost effective player solution. You would run PLEX media server (free) on any computer with appropriate disk storage. Be sure to run backups on any music library.
Considering the asking price of the used Vault, it seems like another cost effective solution. I don't have all that large a disc on my PC, and the idea of an all in one to rip and then play in one box seems pretty good.
I am going to take a look (listen?) to it later this week.

I've run Seagate USB drives, 1.5 Gb or larger, for a few years now. The cost is typically well under $200. Backup software is typically already installed. I have thousands of lossless FLAC CDs on mine and still only about half full.

FOr an all in one type server solution, make sure there will be enough disk space and/or that space can be added as needed. Many such devices I see have fixed limits. Also make sure there is a practical way to do teh backups. ALl devices eventually die, so you must have a backup of all the files you took so much time to rip in the first place.

I tend to stay away from server type devices from audio companies in that you generally will pay a premium for what you get and be locked in to some degree, but some may go taht way for the extra convenience and perhaps ease of use. YMMV.
Latest thought.
As I already have a Logitech Squeezebox Duet, I think I will just get an external drive, rip my discs to it and then use that for a server going into my DAC.
Not an eloquent solution, but an inexpensive way to try out the server route.
Of course as a one stop mechanism for $500, it is hard to pass up the vault.
Any thoughts?