Cartridge advice Classic I from BRAZIL

Hello guys!

I`m from Brazil but currently am in the USA, doing part of my Ph.D. at University of Florida. Luckily I have just bought a used VPI Classic Ion ebay, which I`m taking to Brazil when I finish my study here. It has already arrived in my house and it`s overall condition is better than I expected. I`m very happy and anxious to set it up on my system.

My doubt is what cartridge to buy now. My budget is not much (U$ 3-500), since I`ve spent a lot with the TT. I`m also considering buying a used cartridge, if a good deal show up. I listen mostly to Classic Rock, Jazz, Classical, Acoustics.

The rest of my system is:

Pre: Conrad Johnson Premier 3
Power: CJ MV55
Speakers: Sound Dynamics 300 Ti

About my pre, I also have a question: On CJ web site ( it says that the gain of the phono stage is 40 dB and the gain of the line stage is 28 dB. So the total gain when I use the phono input of this pre is 68 dB? It`s kind of high for an all tube pre, isn`t it? What`s the minimum cartridge output I can use, with that in mind?

I aprecciate any response that will help me.
Dear Pedrod45: According with CJ own information/specs the gain is 68 db:

it's a little weird that very high line stage gain: 28 db, normally a line stage is around 10db-15db on gain.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Pedrod45: According with CJ own information/specs the gain is 68 db:

it's a little weird that very high line stage gain: 28 db, normally a line stage is around 10db-15db on gain.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear macster: CJ gives this answer to Pedro:

+++++ The total gain for phono input is the sum of the phono stage gain plus the line-stage gain. " +++++++

and in the link I posted CJ writed two different gains for phono stage and line stage.

For what you posted ios not very clear the subject. Maybe a CK owner could put some more precise light down here or give the CJ own specs ( in the link. ) by email and wait for CJ precise answer.

Regards and enjoy the music,
My dear friend Raul

I own several CJ preamps and amps. :-)

He will not be getting 68 db of gain from that phono/line stage.
