VPI Scout cartridge compliance

I have acquired a VPI Scout with a JMW-9t (not signature) tonearm. The table didn't come with a cartridge, so I have been using a Shure M97xE that I had laying around (and it works amazingly well). I've been reading a number of forums that state a JMW-9t arm needs a medium to high compliance cartridge due to its relatively low mass. I've also seen literature for the low compliance Soundsmith Zephyr that states it was designed specifically for VPI arms. Which is right? What do I want to accomplish here?
It does stay in the groove and it does sound better than I expected it to (it amazed me, anyway), but I think I can do better. If I end up spending $1,000 for a cartridge, I would like it to work as well as possible with the table and arm.

Or am I making a big deal about nothing?
I don't think you need to spend $1k. I'd try Goldring Eroica first that matches your setup perfect.
I have had the same question since the specs on the Zephyr, which was supposedly designed for this arm, are not ideal. So I called Peter and he said that weighting the arm with his knurled cartridge screws (can't remember the name) brings the cartridge into proper compliance--which makes no sense to me and which is why I chose not to go in that direction. There are a number of carts whose specs are more appropriate than the Zephyr which may be worth looking into. The best value for money I've yet tried is the AT OC9MLII--great match.
Thanks Dodgealum. That's the kind of information I was looking for. I never thought of Audio-Technica. The AT-OC9MLII is well within my budget.