Will there be a next gen. Lyra Dorian?

My great sounding Lyra Dorian is dead. The diamond is worn out. This saddens me since I love how the cartridge sounded in my system. It will be sorely missed.

But a death also brings change.

So I since I love the Lyra sound I started to look for a replacement. However I was in for a nasty and most disturbing surprise. My lovely Dorian is no long in production. I can here you say already "but what about the Lyra Delos?" Now I will readily admit that this Delos would be a worthy successor. Would it not be for the asking price. When I bought my Dorian a few years past the Dorian was priced for less then $1000. If my memory serves me right I payed close to $800. However the Delos costs a mighty $1600. This is too rich for me.

In days past a Delos would cost maybe $100 more then a Benz Ace and a little less then a Benz Glider. Now the most basic Lyra surpasses them both in price.

So with this said a reasonable person cannot say that the Delos is the new Dorian. So will the in the future again be a "budget" Lyra?
When you really want the original Lyra Delos sound again, give it back to Lyra for repair. I think, they are quick.
I agree with Syntax - have Lyra retip. Jonathan Carr will be straight up with you on pricing.
Lyra retip will be just same investment as for new one with insubstantial difference.
Retip with SoundSmith is just as good.
Maybe a dealer will give you a trade-in on the Dorian for a new Delos. Doubt it would be more than a couple of $100 though.