Thorens TD-316?

I am thinking of getting a second turntable for my office. My primary TT at home is a VPI Aries / JMW Memorial / Lyra Delos. I'm going for simplicity and musicality for a price range under $400. I was considering going vintage and getting a used but fully serviced Thorens TD-316. Anyone with experience with this TT? Thanks!
This table has a light to med arm. as long as you stick to Higher compliance catridges you should be good to go . Like the Grado reference Low output wood body. Or the Clear Audio,Ortofon,nagaoka, MM's .
I had the semi auto version, the TD-18. I found it sounded a bit leaden and plodding. If you like a smooth sound that sounds a little slow, it might suit.
I was planning on using it with a grado reference sonata I already have. that should be a decent match, right?
I wouldn't. The arm isn't great. An Audio Technical 95e would be a better bet.