Spikes or Feet

I'm setting up my system in my new house and need to decide weather I want to use spikes or flat feet on the bottom of my equipment rack. The rack will hold the amp, preamp, CD, tuner and cassette deck. Pretty heavy stuff. The TT will go on it's own shelf. The floor will be wood (actually laminate wood), but not worried about damaging finish since the spikes do have protective feet.
Which do you think would sound best and provide the best isolation?
I use spikes on everthing.
But, I am using Herbies gliders made for spikes. Even with my Speakers weighing 215 pounds each I am still able to move them with the spikes on and on carpet.
Ozzy, I'd spike those babies, with serious speaker cones, to go right through the rug into your floor. You will hear the difference. If those points don't touch the floor, you're not coupled. What's the point then?
Herbie's Gliders under brass spikes for speakers and equipment racks have made a signigifant improvements in both my HT system and my main audio rig and best any other combination I've tried. Herbie's products have a 90 day return policy so they're a no-brainer to try.
My only connection with Herbies is as a satisfied customer.