Poor sounding analog?

After 25 years of not having a turntable in my system, I finally purchased a new rega RP3 which came with their ElysII MM cartirdge.

I pulled out one of the 500 or so albums in my basement that I used to enjoy, cleaned it thoroughly and was incredibly dissapointed in the sound.

I have a McIntosh 2300 preamp which has never had any burn-in for the phono preamp section. However, I cant believe that new tubes would sound this flat.

its a very simple unit to set up. Nothing tricky.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for the help!
I also have a Rega RP3. It the elys2 cart sounds very nice on new albums but Is not very good on older albums that have been played a bit and it also is not a great tracker.. I am in the process of picking a new cartridge.

Best of luck
Excellent suggestions already posted above. Try a few more albums. Which one sounded poorly? Not all LPs are well recorded, as I'm sure you're aware. This is especially true in the rock genre, IMHO. In fact, there are lots of LPs from 25 and more years ago that will sound pretty terrible --- then and now --- even on a fine turntable.
Grado offers biggest musical bang for the buck in a MM. Give the Grado Black or the Grado Gold a try if you are missing mid range magic and it isn't a setup error.


The tubes in your pre section are important... most recent vintage pre tubes are junk for music playback. Any idea what brand and type they are?
Thanks t have believed it, butto everyone. Always appreciate the help received and offfered from fellow Agoners.

I wouldnt have believed it, but picked up a new LP and it turns out to be my old albums. New album sounds detailed with pretty good layering and soundstage.The cartridge is a bit bright as reported, but it could also be the new Gold Lions that have never been broken in either.

I had the albums in in the basement and although they looked clean, they probably have mold. I will steam a few and report back. Hundreds of albums, ugggh!

I also think down the road after break-in a new carrtridge might be in order, the basement but I have a while beffore makiing that deteermination.
I'm sorry but you've been Rega'd!

I never understood the appeal of a Rega anything. They're made from crap and sound the same. If you're an analog veteran your ears are telling you the truth. Don't waste your time playing with this toy, its not going to get any better.