Turntable suggestion -- budget.. or not?

Not another budget turntable thread, you might sigh... Heh. Well, I promise to make it interesting. A bit about myself first before I get into the main reason for the thread:

I am a musician and fully embrace tube technology and the general 'tone quest' that goes along with (in particular) guitar playing. I've built most of my amp gear -- circuit copies from the late 50s/early 60s. Some of the same characteristics that I seek in guitar tone, i'd like to also have in my listening setup -- warmth. I'm already familiar with the adjectives that get thrown around when describing tone. So, no need to hold back.

So, I'd like see what all the fuss is about... Vinyl appeals to me purely from the sound quality aspect. I have an extensive cd stash, and very little vinyl (this will change if the 'proof' is there).

I'm currently demoing a Pro-Ject 1.3 TT at home right now with a Cambridge 651p into a solid state power amp and out to speakers. The later two pieces gear likely won't change. However, going forward (and if the quality is there) I will build gear to surround my TT setup.

The 1.3 is nice, but the motor on the side is a bit gimmicky IMO. I can hear the hum from the motor (and I *do* have it on a good base). It definitely looks the best! The 651p sounds a bit bright to my ears too. Despite this, I'm quite impressed with what I hear from vinyl. I've been playing alot of recordings I know very well (Miles "kind of blue", and some wes montgomery) and in general things sound not only different but *better*!

Now to the questions. I'm leaning on sending both the 1.3 and 651p back for the reasons I mentioned above. I've had about 6-8 hours of continuous playback and I realize the break-in period is still happening, but I'm not hearing the warmth that I'm looking for. Sure, it will get better with more break-in, but I want something to knock my socks off right out of the gate.

Thoughts? Where should I go from here?
As promised I went to demo the RP3 w/ (i think was the) Elys2 cartridge. When I got there the room was occupied, so the guy asked if I wanted to be 'ruined'. Of course I said 'yes', and then we headed into he high-end room. :)

Long story short, I listened to the RP8 and RP3 through the same system... Wow.. What a *dramatic* difference between the two. The RP8 was smooth, organic, even, full in the midrange and upper bass. Trebles were just right and not shrill. The RP3 was nice too, but the trebles were just to shrill and unrefined (compared to the RP8). Now, there is about a $2k difference in price between the two.

Back to the drawing board. I don't think the RP3 is for me, unless the trebles can be tamed significantly.
****I listened to the RP8 and RP3 through the same system****

Same cartridge? If not, all bets are off.
I would go with the best TT I can afford, if it can be upgraded that's even better. Then upgrade the tonearm, cartridge and phonostage as cash flow allows.
Buy a used Linn Lp12 with an Ittok for $1250 or so.

Are you from Quebec? Yes I know, strange question. I just got that feeling from you.
The carts on the RP8 and RP3 were probably not the same. I honestly think you are focusing too much on the TT and not enough on the cartridge. The RP3 can sound bad with a cheapo cart or great with the right cart.