Basis 2200 Bass Issue

I just purchased a used 2200 with a Vector 4 tonearm here on Agon, had it sent to Basis to be checked out and it was given a clean bill of health. Set it up last night, and I think I was careful and precise in following the directions. I have the table on a Vibraplane 2212, all Audio Research gear, Ref 2 SE Phono Pre, Ref 5 SE Pre, Ref 110 Amp, all Nordost TYR 2 Cabling. Bass sounds HORRIBLE! No balls, no slam, no texture. Had a VPI Classic 3 which sounded pretty great but my impression was that the 2200 was a superior table. Any insight or suggestions will be greatly appreciated, besides getting the Classic 3 back :) Thanks.
Are you using the same cartridge? One suggestion. Take the table off the Vibraplane and see how it sounds. Some tables will sound worse when over damped by isolation devices. I have a Basis 1400 and it just sits on a shelf on my rack. Bass is great.
I recall having a similar reaction when switching from VPI to Basis. They are very different sounding tables. Though I wouldn't say my reaction to the Basis bass was horrible, no balls. I do recall thinking to myself "what happened to the bass?" After extended listening, I realized that the bass was still there with the Basis, but it was tighter and better defined. The VPI's bass is full and warm, which some may prefer, but after listening to the Basis it can sound wooly and bloated with certain gear. As with all things in this hobby, it's all about synergy.

However, looking at the rest of your system, you may now be too far in the direction of speed and resolution. Since the Basis is much faster and higher resolution than the VPI table, when mated with ARC electronics and Nordost cables, also both noted for high speed and resolution, perhaps you have now passed the tipping point in system synergy. Fast table + Fast electronics + fast cables = too much speed, not enough musicality. Perhaps in your system, you may be better off with a VPI table.

What cartridge are you using? Perhaps a wood body Benz or a Koetsu would sound better with the Basis, and/or perhaps a Purist Audio phono cable.

Also a good suggestion by Arh to take the table off the Vibraplane.
Yes, the Vibraplane overdamping crossed my mind. I had also considered the "tipping point " theory. I'm using a Dynavector XV1-S.
JMC, how would I incorporate the Purist Audio Cable as the Vector 4 tonearm seems to have the cable mated from cart to RCA's?
I did dial in the tonearm and cart a bit more yesterday. Dropped the VTF from the 2g point that worked well with the VPI and went, upon advice from a Basis dealer, to 1.89g, pretty specific :) He also suggested dropping the back of the armtube down 1mm below the level at which it enters the headshell. This also seemed to help. And yes, I'm also noticing so much more refinement , certainly in the highs and mids that my ears may be just getting used the a different sound. What I thought of as balls and slam may have been bloat and fluff. Although the VPI is a good table, the improvements with the Basis, where I hear them, are not subtle, which leaves me feeling that awesome bass is there as well and I just have to uncover it.
Lastly, I've added a bit of damping weight to the Vibraplane, just 15pounds to start, and that seems to have helped too.
Thanks again!
It's sometimes difficult when you change out a source component, as everything in your collection may sound "different". It just takes some getting used to. Listen for a few months and stop screwing around for now. IMO, the Basis has a much more "master-tape" sound than my previous Linn, which did take a bit of time to appreciate. Listen for the lack of artificial resonance and the true portrayal of the source. Then again, you may just prefer the VPI, which is fine. That's just the chance you take buying without audition. You save a lot of money, but you take a gamble. The good part is - you can probably sell at little or no loss. Or perhaps even a small profit, now that it's been blessed by AJ. But do give it some time. Best of luck.
01-26-14: Moryoga
Yes, the Vibraplane overdamping crossed my mind. I had also considered the "tipping point " theory. I'm using a Dynavector XV1-S.
JMC, how would I incorporate the Purist Audio Cable as the Vector 4 tonearm seems to have the cable mated from cart to RCA's?

Never mind, I forgot about the Vector tone arm's integrated interconnect cable. The Dynavector's are also well know for their speed and resolution, which is why so many recommend Dynavector and Lyra cartridges for VPI tables. The speed and resolution of these cartridges balance well with the fullness and warmth of the VPI tables/arms. I ran a Dynavector XV-1s on my Basis 2500 Signature with Vector 3 arm, and enjoyed it very much, though I was not using ARC electronics or Nordost cables, as I find them a bit too bright for my tastes. I did prefer the sound of the ZYX UNIverse and 4D over the Dynavector XV-1s on my Basis though.

Keep tweaking and listening and I'm sure that eventually you will appreciate the extra resolution and refinement that the Basis presents over the VPI.
