Best Phono amp under $2000.

I'm looking at the Ray Samuels F-117, the Ray Samuels XR 2. Also looking at the Sutherland 20/20 and the PHD3. I want a solid state phono amp,I already have a tube phono amp. My first choices are Sutherlands and the Samuels.. Has anyone ever compared these phono amps. Whats the difference in their sonic signature? I have a Nottingham with 2 tone arms. The carts I'm using are the Dynavector DV20 high output and a Grado Reference Master 1.I want to try low output MC's eventually.What other amps at $1000 to $2000 are recommended?
Other experienced A'gon members (no longer posting regularly) had recommended Heed Quasar when I was looking for a Lehman Black Cube replacement. I can't say "best" but it would be in your price range.
I'll jump in here and beat Peter to the punch by recommending his Liberty Audio B2B-1 phono preamp. Mikey seemed to like it quite a bit.
You might be able to find a used Allnic H1201 for around $2K. I have it and think it's phenomenal. I replaced a JLTI mkIV with the Allnic, and the JLTI is well within your price range. It's very detailed and quiet and dynamic, but doesn't have the full/rich sound of the Allnic in my opinion. But the JLTI was still quite a nice little phono stage. I almost pulled the trigger on a used Herron VTPH-1 phono stage before getting the Allnic. Used that's also in your price range and is supposed to be quite good.