Best Phono amp under $2000.

I'm looking at the Ray Samuels F-117, the Ray Samuels XR 2. Also looking at the Sutherland 20/20 and the PHD3. I want a solid state phono amp,I already have a tube phono amp. My first choices are Sutherlands and the Samuels.. Has anyone ever compared these phono amps. Whats the difference in their sonic signature? I have a Nottingham with 2 tone arms. The carts I'm using are the Dynavector DV20 high output and a Grado Reference Master 1.I want to try low output MC's eventually.What other amps at $1000 to $2000 are recommended?
The Liberty and the Musical Surrounding Nova looks interesting. Has anyone compared it's sonic signature to the other phono amps I'm looking at? How does the Nova sound compared to the Liberty or even the Sutherland 20/20? There's not any Audio stores near here so I depend on Audiogoner's opinions.
The AYRE P-5xe is $2350 new and worth it. You should be able to find it used or demo for less. It is particularly good if you can run it balanced in as well as balanced out.
Rogue Audio - Triton (SS) for $1K and Ares (tubed) for $2K. I own both - I use the Triton for rock and the Ares for jazz/acoustic. I'm very happy with the sound. Both of these have plenty of loading options.