gloves to touch vinyl surface

I'm in the quest of equipping my record store with gloves for walk-in customers visiting the record store. This hasn't been done at any locations I've seen so far, but quite a few Mint records after a while are full with customer finger prints. They will also protect covers as well.

I don't normally sell any record bellow Goldmine EX grade and don't really want it to be finger-printed or sometimes accidentally scratched by nails.

What will be the best material that would be quite thin? It also shouldn't inflict any additional static.

After a pair of gloves used by customer one drops it in the basket and at the end of day I'll laundry them. I have to order them via uniform store I guess with store logo. I also plan to sell those as well
Good point on the record machine. Most people don't own them and if they are offended so what they can buy somewhere else. I mean the people who collect records probably would appreciate a record that has been handled with "Kid Gloves" and has no finger prints,it shows you care about your inventory. I would put up signs though that say if you drop the record and damage it you have bought it. I was in a store 2 months ago where they had signs which said DO NOT OPEN SEALED RECORDS,IF YOU DO YOU YOU HAVE BOUGHT IT. and someone had and the police were called. I have no problem with this,an opened copy loses it's value when open.
If you asked me to put on gloves to check out a $5 record, I'd laugh at you.

Nor would I frequent a record shore where other patrons didn't know how to properly handle vinyl. Giving some idiot a glove and trusting him to slide the record in the sleeve properly is silly.

I go to a nice used record store, a lot, and the guys constantly Rome around, making sure it's done properly and offering education, not gloves, when necessary.
Us always bigger and larger than you. Simple math and that's been already explained in details. You can also view quite different responses here. Ones will like the others won't. Each retail spot has its own specific on likes and the other doesn't no matter what you do.
The point was in the original post is the best safest material that could be used as record 'exam gloves' given and provided at customer convenience.
Roaming and tailgating around ones may not like as well and you can put me on that list. Less likely I will come back to purchase anything at the store where I'm being tailgated! Whatever one likes better will work for a particular one. For plural it's a-bit different and sometimes it's hard to understand the difference.
What about implementing a policy: if a customer is very interested in examining a lp. bring it to the front desk. This way, you are one on one with the customer, you have control of the examination, you have complete control of the whole process.

Gloves? What the H...!
Policy is policy. I have various records that are store sealed and OK to inspect only at front desk or by any store personnel regardless of gloves.
Gloves is just a kool feature or maybe some kinda attraction.