Wet Cleaning the Stylus

Wet cleaned the stylus of my Ortofon Cadenza for the first time. Purchased it new two years ago and never considered going beyond using a stylus brush. A friend recommended wet cleaning it and WOW, what a difference it made.
If I wet-clean the stylus on a daily basis can I expect to get the same WOW same reaction. What about cleaning the stylus on hourly basis. How about between side A and B:)
Any recommendations on an effective and safe stylus cleaner.
Consider what is going on at the stylus and cantilever level. The crud build up is basically just dirt, bits of vinyl (hopefully not much vinyl) and some chemical residue. What is needed to clean it is just some mild detergent solution and a light physical scrub.

I've used a stylus cleaner kit I was given with a Lyra Clavis da Capo and also the Disc Doctor stylus cleaning kit brush and liquid. Both clean the stylus and cantilever quite adequately.

IMO, it is necessary to use a wet brush to actually loosen and remove the build-up on the cantilever and stylus. A Magic Eraser might work OK for the stylus, but there is a minimal benefit for the cantilever. In my opinion.
Wet clean your stylus only when truly necessary. Wet clean your LPs on a vacuum RCM and you will hardly ever need to clean your stylus. Sounds better and it will save you having the tip falling off as the glue bond weakens with repeated cleaning.
I've been using a combo of the MoFi lp #9 and Onzow zerodust for a while with great results. I'll only really use the lp #9 when I'm done for the day.
Czarivey, Tonywincs described the way I (also) use the
wet cleaning method. Thanks Tonywincs! The most of my MM carts I bought on ebay. The styli are often 'glued' in record particles which can't be removed by M.E. A really good brush is essential. But there is no need to be obssesed with cleaning.I am surprised to see that nearly nobody checks the stylus before the cleaning. Those are sensitive objects while the risk to destroy the cantilever and/or stylus is not imaginary. One need to remove the headshell from time to time and inspect the stylus carefully and than decide how to clean. There are no a priori truths. I need to add that the most of my MM carts have aluminum cantilevers with pressure fitted styli. There is no glue to worry about.
After some initial skepticism, largely born out of klutz-koncern I use the ME for 80% of all stylus cleanings - and to be sure that includes after every side. The other 20% I do with a squared-off sable artist brush.

With the arm locked in its rest, I raise the ME up to the stylus while looking at it through a lighted magnifier. I do not drag or move the ME, finding the contact alone does the job.

Fwiw, I use a 10X loupe mounted on a little stand that sits fixed in position next to where the cartridge lands in its rest. All I do is turn my head and peep through the loupe - the simplicity makes it all the easier to check after each play.

The loupe also acts as the side guide for raising the small cube of ME up to clean the stylus. Keeps it steady and the action methodical. As always, ymmv.