Does the VPI Aries1 best the VPI Classic1?

I would think it should.
Anyone have an opinion based on side by side comparisons?
Stringreen - I respectfully disagree. The arm on the Classic should take it beyond the Aries 1, yet the overall quality falls short. Everything else being equal, the edge should go to the Classic if the aluminum platter is a step up. But the Aries 1 still covers it handily.
I've always admired the look of the Aries and HRX series -- gorgeous works of art. I can even admire the Super Scoutmaster (though to a lesser extent) for its no-nonsense solid build. With those tables, it seems like you pay X amount of cash and get back 2X in build quality & looks. At least in that regard, the Classic line was such a huge step backwards. To be fair they're still nice looking tables, but...what happened?
I had the Linn LP12, went to VP I MkII, III, IV, Aries, Scoutmaster Signature, back to Aries and will stay there. The Aries just does so much right, and isolates rumble better than the Acrylic platter tables. A real Classic.....mine will not be sold until all my vinyl is on a hard drive run through DSD .....which won't be soon. Hang onto them. PT
I agree that the Aries 1 is probably one of the best turntables ever designed (IMO). I got rid of mine and have regretted it ever since. What I should have done was swap the tonearm to another brand, but that's a different discussion.

I did just see and hear the new Pear Audio Blue Kid Thomas turntable at THE Show in Newport last weekend. Tonearm aside, it was (sort of) similar to the Aries 1 in design. It looks like you could mount any 9"-10" arm on the turntable.
The Aries 3 was a HUGE step up from my original Aries. The original Aries is not in the same league at all.