ZYX Premium Cartridges

These new premium Airy 3 and 4D cartridges have been out since last fall.

Has anyone bought one and how do they compare to the older current versions?
Not a direct answer to your question, but I used the older Airy 3 for a year and was quite disappointed after all the hype. Yes they are detailed, neutral and track well, but I found it quite flat and unenvolving. I changed to a Benz LP and all the drive and dynamics were there again. Just my experience, other's may be quite different.
I guess nobody buys these new Premium cartridges!

ZYX has had a history continual improvements over the years.

SoraSound pushes their own ZYX Universe models, and not these new models.

Anyway, I love the Airy 3 silver and copper coil versions.

As usual arm matching and setup matters. YMMV!
Well, they haven't been out very long yet. Certainly look forward to impressions, because I love my 4D.