Wait a Minute I had a dull moment let us redo this:
Too bad there are no edits, now the mistakes look silly forever.
Assumptions/Signal Chain
Cart[x uh,30Ohms , wire(100pf,2uh,1 Ohm)->SUT->(Same wire)->Preamp(47K)
Cart sees everything on its side and the other side of the SUT DIVIDED by 10^2 or 100:
-100Pf (from the Cart->SUT connection) + 100pr/(10^2) (From the SUT->Preamp) back through the SUT = 101pf
-The 47K load gets reflected back at 47K/(10^2) = 470 Ohms
-and the inductance of the wire is meaningless and even less so after it is divided by 10^2.
-The cartdrige inductance is x and can be substantial depending as explained earlier
Other side ofSUT sees everything stepped up by 10^2:
-100pf *10^2 +100 pf = 10,100pf (WOWZER)
-inductance from the cart x uh*10^2 = 100X uh
-and 40 Ohms from the cart *10^2 = 4K
driven into a pre with a input imp of 47K.
This should be correct, sorry for the mixup, and please let me know if I made a mistake here (again).
Note: I have ignored reactance (Capacitive and Inductive) though I do not think it is substantial and I am also not certain how that follows through the ends of a SUT, If I were to guess Z is altered as sqrt((Xc/10^2)^2 + (XL/10^2)^2) using a linear transform of variable...ditto for the other direction.