On the hunt for best phono cable under $1k

Looking give everything a touch more of warmth with out sacrificing any detail, let the impossible challenge begin! ha.

Really leaning towards Cardas' Golden Cross but I can't seem to get Cable Co to get back with me about their loaner program. Any suggestions?

I am using a EMT TSD 15 N into an Allnic H 1201. Other cables are A23s, which I can't seem to get to the bottom of whether or not they make a phono cable.
Get in touch with Drew Baird at Moon-Audio.
He will make you a custom cable with the minimum length you need for a reasonable price.

Wires from the cartridge that plug into the preamp is the only way to go if you're talking about "phono cable"; that's all I know. Yes, I use ultra high quality Cardas wire. Maybe you should clarify?
I think Auditorium makes a special short IC cable for phono that should be around that price level.
Sorry totally forgot I posted this, I already have some Auditorium 23 ICs that i love but I needed a DIN to RCA for my new arm.

To rap this up, after trying out a few different options, I ended up going with the Audience A24e "low" phono cable.