Opinions on Accuphase AC-1 MC cartridge?

I currently have an Acoustic Signature Challenger Mk 3 with Rega RB301 and Dynavector 20x2l. I'm very happy with my setup listening through a Clearaudio Balance phono pre in to a Schiit Lyr amp and Audeze LCD-2.1 cans. I'm helping my dad sell off a bunch of audio gear that's been sitting in boxes at his house for over 20 years. In it I found an Accuphase AC-1 MC cartridge. Does anyone have any experience with this cartridge? It looks nearly new. Would it be considered an upgrade, downgrade, or comparable to my Dynavector? I'm trying to figure out if it's worth keeping or just sell it and keep what I have. Any and all thoughts are most welcome.

It's a late 70's oldie but goody. Back then; Accuphase was building some of the most accurate MC carts available. They exhibited excellent sound stage width, depth and height, very precise imaging, and wonderful tonal balance. It's a moderate compliance cartridge, so- it should work well in your tonearm. Low output means you'll need a lot of gain. The AC-2 staged best at 10 Ohms. Don't know about the AC-1, but do play with the loading. Have the stylus inspected before using it with any records you value. Cartridge builders have learned much since that cart first saw the light of day. Only you can decide whether it trips your trigger now. (http://www.vinylengine.com/cartridge_database.php?m=Accuphase&t=mc&mod=AC-1&sort=2&Search=Search&sty=&ovlo=&ovhi=&can=&dclo=&dchi=&stid=&masslo=&masshi=¬es=&prlo=&prhi=)
Was better than Dyna then and if Stylus and suspension are OK will be better now.
Thanks for the tips. I'll have to find someone near San Jose to check out the cartridge.
First a quick update. As I stated in another thread about my Acoustic Signature Challenger Mk 3, I have a VPI JMW 9T tonearm now mounted to it with the Dynavector 20x2l cart. I've read that Dynavector is a good match for the JMW tonearm. I'm not sure what people's experiences are with an AC-1 on a JMW. Please do share if you have any experience.

Also, what are people's thoughts on having Soundsmith retip the AC-1? Is the nude optimized contour line diamond and ruby cantilever a marked improvement over stock?