Replace Silver interconnect cable , please advice

i don't like the sound of my system
almost no bass , weak soundstage
the music not lively

this is my System:
acoustic zen silver reference ii XLR interconnect
Cardas Clear speaker cable (install them few days ago)
wireworld platinum usb cable
Focal Electra 1038 be II
Pass labs X350.5
Pass labs Xp10 pre
Oppo BDP-105
PC computer

few people told me maybe it's the silver cable
and to try to replace it with Copper.

can you advice on 2-3 models for me to test?

maybe Cardas Clear like my speaker cables?
Sorry but the problem is the speakers. The Electra are too narrow sounding and slow. The CDP is not the best one also for dynamics.
Anyway it's easier to try a new cable. Try ANALYSIS PLUS SOLO CRYSTAL OVAL.

so i guess i need different speakers
and different DAC

any models/brands you recommend to try ?
So your source may not be a good match for your system, but don't start buying new gear yet. First try different placement of gear and sofa. Al pointed out possible bass suck-out; can you move the sofa close to the rear wall and toe-in the speakers?
Concerning weak soundstage, you'll never have a wide soundstage with the entire space between the spkrs filled with furniture. You need some air between the spks, maybe switch that IKEA unit to something vertical or shorter and put the amp on the floor (using good anti-vibration feet).
Also experiment with a blanket over the TV; it's causing reflections.
@Pelo911 : I agree with Lowrider57. Even if i think your speakers is a limitation, you should try to optimize your system before changing anything. An optimization is always a good thing to do because, even if you change your speakers afterward, you'll always keep your optimization! Furniture is a good start. is one of the best gear i heard to date for isolate electronics's vibrations. Try to move your speakers in the room to test acoustic problems.
My recommendation for speakers is always the same : USHER AUDIO. Best speakers for the money, period...