choosing interconnect/Speakers/AC -Maestro Utopia

this is my current setup:
acoustic zen silver reference ii XLR interconnect
Cardas Clear speaker cable
wireworld platinum usb cable
Focal Maestro Utopia
Pass labs X350.5
Pass labs Xp10 pre
Oppo BDP-105
regular PC computer

i ordered Luxman DA-06 , should get it soon
the Maestro Utopia i bought recently
i think the AMP and PRE are not good match with the new speakers and i will upgrade in the future (not sure what to choose)

do you know what brand and models i should demo?
heard that Nordost and Tara Labs are good match with Utopia
they have speed (dynamic) and also some "warm"
i'm not sure

I never understood paying so much for cables to 'tune' a system. Just get the right components and buy a great neutral cable. I"m liking the AQ stuff right now as it doesn't seem to add anything. I have been an avid MIT guy up until now and I still love that stuff too. I never thought that my MIT stuff tuned anything. Just passed things along as they were supposed to be, but that's just my ears. Get your components and then your accessories is my opinion.
My local shop carries the Focal Utopia speakers and they currently have Asthetix gear paired with them, but I much preferred the Krell gear they had previously. I have never been more impressed than with Krell and Focal and this goes from the Utopia with Krell mono-blocks down to Chorus series speakers with the S-300i integrated.
I have some older Focal Electra 936s which had the typical Focal sound, very detailed and analytical. I found that Cardas Golden Reference ICs added some nice warmth to the sound.
The biggest improvement in overall sound quality came when I finally employed tube power amps. I bought Consonance Cyber 800 monoblocs but there are many very good tube power amps to consider.
I would go the route the two of you went and get the right components. I do agree that cables are THAT important, but not until you budget and get the best components you can get that gel together. Matching components and listening ot me is the only way to go. I do pay more usually by going to Audio Connections in NJ, but John has the same ear that I do and he has listened to a lot of products that I simply don't have the time or ability to do. I trust him and try to buy UP whenever I can. That's just me though. I"ve been around this industry since 69 or so and I've seen a lot.
@ Mceljo, Hi, Very well said post about Krell and focal speakers, I have found that krell mates well with all the legendary speakers out there,Focal Utopias, Wilson Grand slams,Avalon Acoustics,Rock port speakers,JBL speakers, etc.. you get the picture, Krell may not work on everything, I have heard them on this short list with astonishing effect!, I am saying, I agree with you 100%.