Audioquest vs Acoustic Zen

Have you compared both of these brands and if so, what differences did you encounter between them? Thanks.
Jmcgrogan2 send me a private e-mail and I'll tell you what I've found. I think you will be surprised at my findings!

(Dealer disclaimer)
Absolute copper are terrific. Natural warmth, more detail, better bass, lower noise floor in my setup. Tried Absolutes, Matrix 2, Reference 2 and these are the best.
I also have the Absolute Copper and it's the best cable I've tried in my system! Organic and natural sounding...
@ Sksos1
I just placed into my system (only 20 minutes ago) an AZ Absolute Copper XLR (from pre to amps) and with a quick 24 hr burn-in they are beautifully musical. There's lots of detail and they soundstage wonderfully.....will give them 5-7 days and then place back my Purist Proteus Provectus and let all know what I think.
Ok. looks like you probably have your impressions ready for us.
I for one am very interested to hear the Comparison of the PAD Prteus Provectus IC Comapared to the AZ Absolute Copper IC. Will you let us all know your thoughts ?