Is there a glass ceiling for cable technology??

Every year or two year, cable manufacturers , (like other audio components) introduce newer and better versions of the series that came before.

Despite new cable materials and geometries of construction, will there be a point where the "newest version" will have reached the glass ceiling of ultimate performance??
As long as cable manufactures employ marketing and PR firms, there always will be advancements.
Any cable will have a different on your equipment, so anything they put out can sound different than the cable they produced before no matter the brand. Never was a ceiling just impendence effects between 2 pieces of gear and then the wire connecting them. This why you have to try before you buy, it a crap shoot on the sound out come. Yes every year a new name to keep the product fresh and us buying them, now a new cable weekly comes out, a very money making business as a side line for many.
"There's a well-heeled sucker born every minute."
Many of these suckers are "audiophiles."