Is there a glass ceiling for cable technology??

Every year or two year, cable manufacturers , (like other audio components) introduce newer and better versions of the series that came before.

Despite new cable materials and geometries of construction, will there be a point where the "newest version" will have reached the glass ceiling of ultimate performance??
Nonnoise, can you link to the source of the wire you describe? I would like to consider it. Tnx

one would think that there exists a glass ceiling for all things cables/cords.

Remember, there is a ton of over-priced junk being produced by boutique operations. The better cables/cords are not mass-produced (Kimber, Cardas, Transparent...etc.).

The best cables/cords are being made by hand and to-order.
Also, there is a strong metallurgy component to be factored in as well. Examples of this practice are the newest Audience, Stage III Concepts and Silent Source offerings.

Disclaimer: I am a cable/cord guy at heart, yes, they do make a difference!
Another thing which 'matters' in cables is the insulation. Curiously Kimber sells the same 19g wire with four variations of Teflon.Each at a different price point.. (plus two other insulating materials avaialble)
So all four copper wires are the same wire, with different formulations of Teflon insulation. And yet a fifth style for the actual production Hero IC.
Amazing to think one company has so many variables just in insulation and all of it still 'Teflon' type.
So plenty of variations possible which change the sound just from the type of Teflon used...
Skoczylas, Here is the link for the speaker cables I use:
I also posted a review about them here under product reviews, for what it's worth. :-)

All the best,
Skoczylas, I have been using Tempo SC's for two years and also the same wire Tempo IC's (Pre to SET Amps) for two years, although have not compared to any others.
Nonoise is using SC's un-terminated, as I am.
Member Islandmandan recently went to the same SC's as well and then added a second pair, at that. His report is on his system page. We are all very happy and they are a very good value. Joseph Levy the maker is also a great guy to deal with.