Silver cables or copper?Any opinons.

I listen to jazz rock the blues.
Just to show how impressions and listening experiences differ, Mechans describes the silver character to include bright and analytical. Brands can be very different as well as system interaction factor. I use solid core pure silver IC and SC (Oellia Reference). These are very transparent, high resolution and exceptionally clear. Yet they provide a rich tonality with warmth, harmonic color and full body density. There isn't a trace of brightness,edge or analytical presentation. They are the most organic cable I've ever owned so far. I do not doubt at all that "some" examples of silver cables have a bright,lean and/ or analytical sound.
A properly designed and run-in silver cable does not sound bright. The wire gets a bad rap.
I use Jorma Prime and Statement cables in my system which use extremely pure copper and gold conductors and sound natural/organic. But it is not just the conductor material which contributes to Jorma's natural sound. The geometry, core materials, shielding and intent of the designer all play a part.
Yeah - I'm with SG on this one.

My experience with silver is nothing but good - more micro details.

However the other cables in your system can impact their performance in a negative manner - I found improving my power cables allowed the fine details conveyed by silver IC's to be more accurately reproduced by the attached components in a significantly smoother manner.

I am using solid core 16 and 18 gauge (for biwire) made out of soft annealed 4&5 nines silver.
I ran the negative in the opposite direction to the positive, polished the wire, threaded it through over sized high grade Teflon and then twisted it slightly.

I agree with Sabai, the less dialectic the better.

I have compared my cables to some costing $12,000 or more. Mine are better.