Silver cables or copper?Any opinons.

I listen to jazz rock the blues.
Sabai, the reason I used the over sized Teflon is because I wanted to twist the cable leads. I'm not sure but without the twists I was afraid of introducing hum.
Correction: I am using 14 and 16 gauge soft annealed solid core 4-5 nines silver.
Just caught this thread. What Al wrote above makes perfect sense to me ... an admitted non-techie. I posted similar comments in the context of the differences between various types of I/Cs and speaker cables. In particular, I was puzzled about the differences between the various types of Kimber speaker cables, e.g., the "PR" line as compared to the "TC" line.

My focus was on the three main electrical attributes that seem to attract the most attention; namely: resistance, capacitance and inductance. The differences between many of the favorite I/C and speaker cable brands and models just didn't seem all that significant to me.

But having said all that, I have read that there are other physical attributes that are NOT frequently discussed or well understood that seem to involve some serious metallurgical and materials science. Maybe there's not as much voodoo out there as I thought. LOL

Al, I seem to recall reading that cables made from different metals and alloys conduct electrical signals differently because of the surface (aka skin) characteristics of the particular metal being used. Are you familiar with these concepts?

I gather that attempting to discuss these "X" characteristics simply in the context of inductance and reactance would be insufficient and incomplete explanation.