Best Christmas music, CD or album on your list ?

Ok, here's my little secret (call it a guilty pleasure) for my favorite Christmas music.

I of course like the classics by Bing and Nat...BUT...there is one album I listen year 'round, even in the heat of summer, because of the magnificent orchestration.

I am not a real fan of country music by the way (although I like everything Mary Chapin Carpenter makes as a singer-songwriter).

I have been listening to a glorious CD by Faith Hill ''JOY TO THE WORLD''. I first stumbled on the music special (Great Performances series) on PBS on a certain night when I woke up at 3am, turned on the TV and, WOW! I just couldn't believe the quality of the music. The best tv concert I ever experienced, Faith Hill is just glowing with incredible class.

I could not find a full DVD of this performance, I guess it is PBS property, so I'm obligated to live with this recording in HD (and the space it takes on my hard drive - on my recording machine.

There is a CD, and it is stunning. And sells for cheap on Amazon. For headphone enthusiasts, there are so many things to like here.

My close second is "Come Darkness Come Light: Twelve Songs of Christmas" by Mary Chapin Carpenter.

How often do you hear ORIGINAL Christmas songs? Carpenter co-authored 6 songs on this collection, and they sound like classics already. Beautiful guitar styling, heart-warming stories, and well you get the idea.

Both albums are the best bargains on Amazon.

How about YOUR preferred holiday-season music?
Glen Campbell "That Christmas Feeling" and of course, the Carpenters double disc set.
Sufjan Stevens 5 disc "Songs For Christmas" -- made especially for those who are tired of the same old thing. Sufjan has created an interesting, intimately recorded blend of classic Christmas songs.