Powerconditioners for digital?

Shunyata, Equitech, Sound Application?
I run two isolation transformers in series and a power regenerator plugged into #2 with DAC/transport plugged into the power regenerator:

isolation transformer > isolation transformer > power regenerator > DAC/transport

Works much better than any other configuration in my system.
That sounds like it would provide total isolation, and conditioning.
Did it have have a significant effect on the sound?
I second the Blue Circle. If you go for the Thingee PLC, you'll get more bang for the buck.

I have been experimenting with power conditioners, isolation transformers and power regenerators for years to find the best possible solution to this systemic problem that we all face. I found Synergistic Research Powercell MK II and Bybee Stealth did not get the sound to where it belonged with the high quality components I have. They did not do them justice. So, by trial and error, I found a better solution.

There is only one better solution than the above configuration that I have found:

isolation transformer > power regenerator > my own DIY power conditioner > DAC/transport

Amp and preamp and subwoofer must be on a separate circuit. Otherwise the SQ seriously degrades.

I use an inexpensive medical grade isolation transformer.
Hi Sabai. What is your DIY conditioner? Your isolation transformer? Have you tried an Equitech 2Q just for comparison? Ever try the MIT ISO HC and/or Z Stabilizer 11? How about the original Z Stabilizer?