Use of footers on maple platforms

I know this has been discussed elsewhere, therefore I will try to be specific with my question.

A Maple shelf is thought to dissipate vibration from component resting on it. Would not isolation feet/dampeners inhibit this? Does the replacement of the original feet on a component with cones benefit the dissipation from the component?

I have just replaced the plywood selves of my rack with 2" maple ones. Was using vibrapod footers with the plywood shelves. Currently not with the maple.
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Why not just try both options if you are so equipped already and decide?

Either there is a difference you can hear or not to help make the decision. If not, you have two equivalent choices. Just pick one and move on to bigger fish if needed.

Or if all sounds good, just enjoy listening.
You have made the change. have you noticed any diffference?

The 'hard' question.
If you did not notice, then you must not have 'golden ears' 'Cuz if you had you would be saying what it was..
So now you have to ask total strangers what you 'should' be doing so you can relax with your audiophile approved way going forward.

I say try it both ways. all that matters is it you hear whatever.
If nothing different, well the maple probably looks cooler.

One way or another the maple platforms have to be held up. So whatever the way is, changing that might impact the way the maple interacts with the equipment.
Up on soft stuff to dissipate, or hard pointy stuff to send the vibrations down and out.. Who can hear it except the OP?

Sorry I am a bit blunt/nasty today. I will try to be less nasty tomorrow...