Use of footers on maple platforms

I know this has been discussed elsewhere, therefore I will try to be specific with my question.

A Maple shelf is thought to dissipate vibration from component resting on it. Would not isolation feet/dampeners inhibit this? Does the replacement of the original feet on a component with cones benefit the dissipation from the component?

I have just replaced the plywood selves of my rack with 2" maple ones. Was using vibrapod footers with the plywood shelves. Currently not with the maple.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmesch
Got Symposium Ultra and Roller block HDSE blew away Maple,better,quieter,better imaging,better bass definition 100% better.
Liz, we love your (yesterday's) tough broad side as we will also patiently await your (today's) kinder/gentler side.... :)
Not sure it's quite correct to say maple dissipates vibration, although It could in part. The main advantage of a maple board is to provide stiffness against low frequency vibration coming from the floor. Supporting the component as well as the maple board with competent cones improves the effectiveness of the maple board. Cone materials ranked in terms of sonics: ceramics, aluminum, steel, brass.
Elizabeth, no problem, I am not really that thin skinned. Hopping you are having a better day.

Mapman, you are correct and I intend to do so. Just placed the maple shelves prior to posting.

EMB, Thanks. A friend made the maple shelves for me. Not a doubt that they are better than the 3/4" plywood ones, wether I could hear the difference or not. Truly improved the looks of my stand. At the time I replaced the shelves, I also filled the tube steel race with sand to deaden it. My audio room is on a concrete slab. Isolation from earth vibration is not my concern.

My intent with this thread was to solicit information as to others thoughts, experiences regarding dissipation of vibration, induced by sound pressure or intrinsic to the component, from equipment. I am quite aware that there are several posters on this forum that have far greater experience discerning differences within/between systems, and those who are far more technically competent, than I. I enjoy the exchange this forum provides me with those posters.

Isn't this fun! Mike
Thanks Geoffkait for your response. I currently do not own any cones. I only have the sorbothane vibrapads. Thought the pads where designed more to isolate vibration than to dissipate, not sure that I am right on that. I plan on getting a set of cones to try along with the pads, blocks that I currently have.