Anyone Damp the insides of your Speaker Cabinets?

Do most speakers sound best in cabinets that resonate as little as possible? Why or why not? Is there something any of you have applied to the inside of your speaker cabinets to keep them from resonating, and achieved a more pleasing sounding speaker?
Everything has a price point. Manufactures come out with new and improved products all the time. What is wrong with trying to make your gear sound better?
Probably would help a lot of inexpensive speakers sound better and not a hard or expensive tweak to try in most cases.
Some manufacturers factor the resonate nature of the enclosure into the overall sound of loudspeaker. The thinking is that most dampening simply smears and delays the resonate behavior without truly eliminating it. Having a cabinet that quickly releases rather than storing energy is thus seen as an advantage.

Applying additional dampening material will definitely change the sound of a loudspeaker, but it could just as easily sound worst.
"The thinking is that most dampening simply smears and delays the resonate behavior without truly eliminating it."

I tend to think of it strictly as what it says, ie damping material in the textbook sense of the meaning of the word Damping.

Yes, it may sound worse or better than otherwise, or not much different at all. Par for the course for "tweaks". At least its an easy, inexpensive, fairly harmless and easily reversible one to try if one is so inclined.

I've done some DIY speaker maintenance projects on older speakers where I changed the volume and distribution of internal damping material as part of the repair and tuning process, but have never felt the need nor been sufficiently inclined to just muck with the damping of a new pair in good operating condition, especially if still under a warranty of any kind.