Schumann Resonance 'Tweaking the Tweak'

I have recently been experimenting with an Acoustic Revive RR-77 unit in a variety of stereo and A/V systems and have observed some surprising things:

* The unit has sonic and visible effects on whatever system it is incorporated into, but not always positive. In the case of our Home Theater high end room, it was only positive with excellent source material. A bad video/soundtrack only looked and sounded worse. It was almost like having more sensitive eyes and ears to be more discerning of the quality of the software.

* In our high end stereo rooms the effect was generally positive regardless of the source material, however, tweaking with the unit made surprising improvements. Adding Vibrapods under the box was a step in the right direction. Adding a large Mapleshade Heavyhat made a rather substantial improvement. Together the two tweaks took the AR-77 to another level entirely.

I am an 'avid tweaker' and have tried a good many tweaks over the years with mixed results. The Schumann Resonance is perhaps the most intriguing of any that has come along. I would enjoy comments by other AudioGon members with respect to your ongoing experiences with this unusual tweak.
I have a 777 in my audio room and a 77 where I sleep. They simply have been on for the last couple of years and I do not play with them anymore. This is another tweak like the Dstat II above that makes a very small difference but in the long run there are probably more effective ways in spending your monet.
The 77 schumann device is not a small difference to me. Turn it off and you know it right away.. turn it back on and "where have you been all my life?" I leave it on all the time. I will have to try the vibrapod feet.
I have heard of some people adding better power supplies to the unit. Also of using two units instead of one. I found the same response whether I had it sitting on the floor or 3 feet (as recommended) up on a pedestal.
One can only speculate what the brand new RR-888 Schumann Frequency Generator might sound like....