Help a REAL newbie. Please

Hi everyone,

I've recently returned to high end audio after a 20-year absence. I'm very happy with the sound of my set-up, but apparently I missed a few things in computer audio over the last couple of decades :). I have only downloaded one album to iTunes in my life, and I know nothing about hooking up my computer to a stereo system. I don't even own an iPod. I have an Oppo 105 and a Hegel H80 integrated (has an internal DAC). I also have a Macbook Air, but I haven't used it for audio purposes.

Rather than expanding my fairly limited CD collection, I'd like to begin to build a library of high resolution files that can be played on my system. But I really have NO idea where to start. I've had a heck of a time finding a good guide to computer audio that isn't too advanced for me or that covered lots of irrelevant (to me) information. I'm only interested in getting the best audiophile-quality sound I can out of my system.

Do any of you have a suggestion of books, websites, videos, etc. that might get me up to speed relatively quickly on the basics? It's a new world out there for a luddite like me who doesn't even own a cell phone.

Thank you for your time to help out a newbie.

All the best from Oregon,
Thanks for all your responses - I really appreciate the help. I've read through many of the sites you all mentioned, and I think I'm going to buy a good turntable :) Actually, with the pace at which the digital world changes, I have to imagine that it won't be too long before there are simple high end plug-and-play solutions that take a lot of the guesswork out of it. The new Sony HAP-Z1ES looks like an example of that.

I'll keep exploring, and thanks again for all your help. Happy Fathers' Day!


True, computer audio is changing super-fast. what? No need to be on the latest and greatest, and generally most complicated implementation. Try it out in a simple configuration and see if it's something appealing to you. As an example, the configuration I suggested sounds more complicated than what it really is to get it to work or to operate.

Maybe it's the ability to use hi-rez that hooks you (not my case), or the availability of so much music, or the flexibility/convenience, or who knows what. Or maybe it's not something you like. I encourage you to try, spending little in the experiment.

Have fun!
Smrex13: I agree with Lewinskih01 above that you should give computer audio a try. Of course, it is changing but so is everything else. The vehicle you buy today will change with next years model.

Computer audio is easy to setup and the many references listed above explain everything you need to setup your system. If you have questions, you can post them on Audiogon for assistance. Managing your CD's on the computer makes the listening process much easier since you just click on the music you want to listen to. in addition, it offers you the option to stream music from many sites, if you are interested.

Since you already have the MAC Book Air and the Oppo 105, you are ready to go "now". You just need to buy a USB cable going from the MAC to the Oppo 105 (or Hegel H80 integrated with DAC, try both units). You already own the perfect combination of hardware to start with (plus the USB Cable).

I started computer audio with my MAC Book Pro and also the Oppo 105. I was so impressed with computer audio, that I recently upgraded my Oppo 105 DAC to the Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC. If you have any more questions, please ask.

What do you think?
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I played a few songs (iTunes) throughout the Hegel H80 tonight using the stock USB cable that came with an old hard drive. While it certainly wasn't up to the CD quality of the Oppo, it did sound reasonably good. I'm going to buy a better USB cable to see how much it improves. I actually prefer the Oppo DAC to the Hegel, but here's another really stupid questionÂ…

Do I need to hook up the Oppo to a monitor to be able to choose the USB input? I hooked my computer up directly to the Oppo and chose the correct sound output on my Mac, but I didn't get any output.

And another dumb question - if I decide to purchase a Mac mini as a dedicated audio source, do I need a monitor for that?

Thanks again for your help, and sorry for the ridiculously simple questionsÂ…

I had the same questions and problems when I hooked up my Mac to the Oppo 105 for the first time. As you requested:

1) I agree that a higher quality USB cable will great improve the sound when connecting the MAC to the Oppo or Hegel. I am using the Synergistic Research Active SE USB Cable but you should be able to find something less expensive.

2) When you plug the USB cable into the Oppo 105, you need to tell the Oppo to use the USB as the input. There is an input button on the remote and you need to scroll through the list until you find USB. You should be able to see your input selections on the front panel of the Oppo. I believe that once you elect USB as the input, the Oppo will remember it the next time you turn the Oppo on. If you are switching back and forth between the MAC and the Oppo, you have to change the input to the correct source (CD, Video, etc). Since I played everything using my MAC, the Oppo kept the USB as the source input and I did not have to change it every time.

3) Yes, you need to use an external monitor when using the Mac Mini to see what you are doing. If you decide to use the MAC Mini, I suggest you purchase a small 12" monitor. I was considering the MAC Mini but since it requires an external monitor, I decided to purchase the 13" MAC Book Pro.

4) If you decide to use your MAC Book Air, I suggest you purchase an external hard drive to store your music on. As I noted above, I am using the LaCie 3TB d2 USB 3.0 Thunderbolt Series Hard Drive. It uses the Thunderbolt connect so it does NOT interfere with the USB cable going to the DAC (Oppo or Hegel).

5) You can always call Oppo Customer Service if you need help with the Oppo. Their customer service is terrific. I have called them several times and they get an A+.
