Isolation Platform Sizes

Hey....I am about to add a size to my line of platforms. I am looking for input. The largest being 24" in length, what do you think the most popular size would be? 22 x 19 x 3?, 24 x 18 x 3? etc. The majority opinion will be chosen.

"07-22-14: Geoffkait
I'm pretty sure Symposium doesn't even address seismic vibration. How could it be the best? Just curious."

When you say seismic are you talking about earthquakes, or something else?
I could be wrong about this, never having had one, but as I recall the Symposium sheds vibrations from the component as opposed to filtering structureborne vibration produced by earths crust motion, traffic, speaker feedback, etc. Seismic vibration is the low level motion of the Earth as opposed to Earthquakes, what we call microseismic activity. So, getting back to the Symposium, if only sheds vibration, via Coulomb friction, getting the vibration from the component to the floor one assumes all the seismic stuff is not prevented from coming right on up and affecting the component. One wonders if the Symposium would work better upside down.