AudiogoN Inception Date?

Panning through old threads, I noticed a few members as early as late 98/early 99.

Emailed service a while back no answer, figured if anyone should know, they would.

When did all this start and who was the first poster(s)?
Searched my own username and found this:

Joined 12/31/1969, this sorta narrows it down.
1969? Isnt that before Internet? Maybe that would be a good question, what came first, internet or Audiogon?
When Audiogon redid their system a few years ago, (remember
that debacle?) all of us that have been on here since around
the beginning, had all of our inception dates changed to
12/31/1969. Don't know why, but that's what happened.
I think that 12/31/1969 date is a bug from when the A'gon upgrade happened a couple of years ago. It appears on certain screens. When I looked up Rx8man in this section of Audiogon: Home > Learn > Member lookup the Active Since Date is:08-19-02

I found this from doing some searching. Can't verify it is true or not though.

Created: 1998-05-14
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