Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?

Well said. I think I detected a little Aczelian influence.

Last night I reread his review of the Parasound A21 power amp. How refreshing to read a real review. I really miss his input. he was the last of a kind. The only thing between truth and the charlatans.

He quit his 'hip-boots' articles because he said the ENTIRE audio media industry was now corrupt, so there was no need to point of the voodoo priests, since they are all now selling snake oil.

Have you noticed that a lot of these people can't read. They call the words, but they cannot comprehend. Check out the 'Frogman's response to your post. How in God's name did he come to understand that you said all non-believers were techically astute. It's like talking to a wall. They just regurgitate what they have been told.

I have to read Peter every now and then just to cleanse my head of all the nonsensical claptrap you read here on this forum. The ignorance and gullibility is absolutely breathtaking.

When someone 'accused' me of trying to 'save' them, I knew it was time to move on.

Good luck to you.

Rok, read again. I think you have gotten yourself worked up to the point that you see (read) what you want to see. My comment said "no believers", NOT "no(n) believers". Interesting, no?

BTW, one the fascinating (?) things about these forums is that posters (I include myself) sometimes get to play these little games; either for the hell of it, to exercise one's language skills, the joy of banter, or...whatever. Having said that, I don't believe for one minute that you are nearly as firm nor passionate in your ideas about this stuff as what you present in print. But that's cool; whatever floats your boat.

"Having said that, I don't believe for one minute that you are nearly as firm nor passionate in your ideas about this stuff as what you present in print. "

And how, pray tell, did you come to that conclusion? And what 'stuff' are you referring to?

LOL! In the audio field, many 'technically astute' people believe that digital is superior to analog, that solid state is superior to tubes and that cables make no difference. There are also 'tecnically astute' people, like Ralph and Al, that do hear audible differences between source formats, tubes/SS and cables.

So an astute individual would know that they can't make blanket statements as immature as that (my sides more 'educated', na na na foo foo).

I agree with Jimyork's post on 2-23-13:
"The same kind of discussions go on between Democrats and Republicans".

There is no right or wrong here, only differences of opinions. Each side believing that the 'facts' support their claim, neither side listening to or changing the other sides perspective. So what's the point? Entertainment? Is that what this is? Entertainment?

Pass the popcorn.....
A reasonable person is always open to possibilities. Nothing is black and white and there are no absolutes: lots of grey area out there.

Self appointed high priests of truth are dime a dozen, regardless of field. Sad to say they are here in audio as well. Yes, there are extravagant, over the top claims and snake oil a plenty but we seem to be dancing around the issue of what some people plainly lack: hearing acuity or the outright refusal to pay any more than necessary for what they feel is enough.

This kind of forum will never sort it out. So let's just agree to disagree without the acrimony.

Next thing we'll see are protestors with signs and placards outside of audio shows denouncing the evil and unclean amongst us who would dare proclaim that we can do better.

When that happens, I'll know for certain I am on the right side of the equation as they will reveal themselves to be truly on the fringe.

All the best,