Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
To All:
I just dropped by to give a shout out to Irvrobinson. Frogman then addressed a post to me, and I answered. Thats just common courtesy. But I am finished with the so called 'debate' on wire. I have found that after things like this are over, I just feel bad.

I think the people of this entire site are some of the nicest people you will find anywhere. Smart, educated , well read and seem to have done well in life. A good bunch.

I was looking for an Academic debate, but we could not get away from stereo systems, money and personal opinions.

But, as Nonoise alluded, it ain't that important. I am PASSOINATE about MUSIC. That's it. The gear is just a means to an end. I wish we didn't need it. I would love to walk into my house and say, "COMPUTER! Beethoven's 5th". Just like on Star Trek. :) Maybe I'll see that before I go.

If I have offended anyone, it was not intentional. Just love to spar.

Now, I am finished with wire!!

****I was looking for an Academic debate, but we could not get away from stereo systems, money and personal opinions.

But, as Nonoise alluded, it ain't that important. I am PASSOINATE about MUSIC. That's it. The gear is just a means to an end. I wish we didn't need it. ****

Rok, I agree completely; and you, perhaps inadvertently, made my point. The problem with attempts to discuss these things is that "academic" and "music" are as diametrically opposed as just about anything. In fact, "academic" is an adjective used by musicians to describe "music" that is dry, soul-less, boring... The two don't mix.

Acrimony? No way! Wire is not important enough to merit acrimony in my book. Now, anybody that tells me that "Sassy" can't sing.... That's cause for acrimony.

"Now, anybody that tells me that "Sassy" can't sing."

Now who could be clueless!!!

For the same reason it matters to the believers......
So you'll have something to argue about.