Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
In those intervening six years or so you'll find lots here of the same mind as me who've already stated as much in other threads and are of a wider exposure and experience level and are given much more respect and difference in their thoughts and views.

After all, it's just a conversation, not a conversion to be had.

All the best,
Irvrobinson, in addition to being an intelligent/knowlegeable person, you are equal parts arrogant, rude and impolite. Your attitude toward, and response to Nonoise speaks volumes. You come off as a real ass.
Wow!I like this thread,entertaining to say the least!,thou I can tell who are well seasoned audiophiles and been exposed to alot of equipment and cables,you know who you are,we have spoke or complimented each other on this thread,you gentlemen that have a vast knowledge of the hi-end audio I enjoy talking to!the rest is pure entertainment,like jmcgrogan2 said,going out for popcorn,In my case I have allready poped the popcorn to get ready to read this forum,LOL,so I will not miss A beat,now thats entertainment!happy listening!