Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
During the Denver audio fest of 2010, I auditionned Nordost new power filtration system. They were demonstrate how it worked on a system. I'd preferred the system without their device!!! It was more natural without...
I don't have many experiences with nordost but this one was quite funny! And the power system was insanely expensive by the way!!! Hype for sure...
Don't know if this is appropriate to post, but here's a passionate argument. I'm sure all will enjoy it!
I was this year also at a show were they did demonstrate this. It was even more funny. You could hear the difference ( I could hear it quite easy) But there were people who did not hear it. The person of Nordost became irritated that he didn't hear it. So he made a big misstake.
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The nice thing about cables is that there are so many flavours. Wenn you understand the properties/talents you can adapt every system to a higher level with ease. Average or sometimes poor cables will limit amps, sources, speakers etc. in the quality they are able to give. There are many people who are not even able to get more than 30-60% out of the amps, speakers, sources etc what they own.