Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
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The nice thing about cables is that there are so many flavours. Wenn you understand the properties/talents you can adapt every system to a higher level with ease. Average or sometimes poor cables will limit amps, sources, speakers etc. in the quality they are able to give. There are many people who are not even able to get more than 30-60% out of the amps, speakers, sources etc what they own.
I like many flavors of cable but most of all I like pistachio and tutti frutti. Yum!
@ Iblieve, You want an amp capable of 3 dimensional musical presentation for not too much money??? Try upgraded McCormack DNA-1 & .05 Deluxe Ediion amps. After Steve's upgrades these amps do it well!
"But there were people who did not hear it. The person of Nordost became irritated that he didn't hear it. So he made a big misstake."

The person from Nordost did hear it. He was just mad that you could hear it too.