Musical Fidelity Trivista 300 vs. kW500

A few extra $$'s appeared. Time to ditch the tweaked Hafler pre-amp/amp and go with my choice du jour: MF Trivista. Please advise...300 or the big 500 integrated amp. Driving my old but still damn good B & W 901F's, medium size room, mostly classical. Also need advice on a new (or good used) CD player to meld into this system...preferably multidisc (shudder you audiophiles). Thanks for any direction in the above quest. farmdoc
I have not heard the "500" on my equipment. Maybe that might be a consideration before the big splurge but I am 130 miles from the nearest dealer.
It may depend on where you are ultimately taking this system, in terms of speakers and room. If you wish to drive something challending, in a bigger room, the kW-500 may be the ticket. In my case, I had the same decision to make as you, and chose the kW primarily because of ts high damping factor, and the fact that my Puppies are not the easiest woofers to control. I heard the "500" through B&W 802 Ds at my dealer - that was a nice combo as well. FWIW there is also a new kW SACD player...
The Tri-Vista has a damping factor of 210, the kW is listed at >200. How much greater is it?
Merganser, I must have misread the info on MuFi's site, or looked at the wrong spec sheet. You are right, they are basically the same. I thought I had read 100. I suspect ultimately it may come down to sonic preferences, and room size with these 2 models. I have owned a couple of MuFI products over the years, and I have never been able to figure out why their stuff is beaten up so much in these forums.
Speaking of beating up on MF stuff, I love the KW500 throught some Thiel 2.4s except for the lack of bass. Something is wrong. Other less $ equipment plays the kettle drums and other base fine with everything the same but the int amp. EVERYTHING the same save the wall outlet. MF KW500 issue or it just needs repair??? I've even brought in my amp and hooked it up to the preamp out of the MF and it plays the base (but not the wonder detail and air in the highs).

Opinions? I'd love to take it home if it will just play drums and bass guitar, etc. Shop says I'm FOS, that thier $7000 amp that they can't sell for years and years plays base fine, but it clearly doesn't. They won't sit in the room and listen with me long enough to hear the passages where the difference is so obvious (always some mega deal phone call or customer coming in by the time the cables are all moved over). I just want to know if what I'm (not) hearing is the amp's deficiency or what!