What is Audio Researches best preamp period

Tube or solid state from the oldest to the newest ref ser ,what is the best one they made or make.
I have to disagree with you. I loved my ARC LS5mkII, and it is maybe the best of the older models. Not having owned every one, or heard every one I couldn't possible say. I do know that it was left far behind with the REF 3.
First of all, to maintain the integrity of this thread:

I have owned an ARC SP9 and an ARC SP11, having fallen in love with a friends SP6C.

I would not say that the SP11 is overly warm, tubey or full of bloom, but it is a great preamp, a pleasure to own and I cant imagine trading it for any tweaky voodoo amp that would "destroy it" "BLOW it away" etc.

I have been tempted to audition an SP10 following steady rumours of the killer phono stage, but I really dont have the time for vinyl these days.

wc65 mustang

A R E Y O U A D E A L E R? By any chance?

As discussed in another thread recently, it really is a bummer when people jump in, OFF TOPIC, and try to jam product down this community's throat.

At least what used to be a community.


posting for years

thinking of signing off