Supratek Cabernet vs Aesthetix Callisto Sig?

I know this is probably a longshot, but has anybody put these two up against each other in the same system? I know they both have their devotees but I'm looking for an actual comparison here, not the usual "I haven't heard xxx, but I sure love my ZZZ, it's the best thing I've ever heard, yada yada yada".

Sure thing, John. I'll let you know how the Walker Tonearm wire works too in case you run into the same troubles. Oh and I went ahead and bought the Cabernet so we'll be able to do a 3-way comparison. Tentatively planned for next weekend.

So anybody want to bring over a Callisto Sig and do a 4 way? Not next weekend for that though. I have no place to put all the power supplies until my new mapleshade rack arrives. It's coming fedex ground from "back east" so it probably won't be here for the weekend.
Update: Jury is still out. Waiting for some good tubes for the Cabernet. Also needed to get a few hours on it as it wasn't quite broken in.