Best Digital Amp for Legacy Focus 20/20?

Hi: I will be starting a two channel from scratch and I originally was going to go with a new pair of Klipschorns, but didn't think the bass was to my liking for loud rock music,so I have now decided on Legacy Focus 20/20.
Due to rack space and electrical limitations, I was thinking of one of the digital amps being put out by a few companies.I am looking at the Acoustic Reality Ear202 stereo amp right now, plus others.
I do not have anything right now(saving up), so am looking for suggestions! The 20/20 are a 4ohm speaker, so I think most amps(digital)can handle under 4 ohms.Will a tube preamp work with these amps?? Just wondering if these amps can push the multiple drivers to my listening levels(85-95db)Thanks for all your help! Huck
Handling them is not quite the issue. As someone how makes amps like that (disclaimer: I build and sell amps), there is one small caveat.

The Ear amps, the H2O amps, the Rowlands, Red Dragon, the ones I make......a bunch more, use ICEpower amp modules. The only drawback is that the frequency respsonse is load dependent. You need to keep that in mind if you audition them on another system.

They should work with a tube preamp, but almost all of the ones mentioned above have the stock input impedance of 8K ohms. If the tube preamp is capacitor-coupled, there may be a slight loss of bass.

Emphasis on "slight" and "may". Depends on the design.

The only consistent comments that I hear about the EAR designs is that they are a real pain to attach speaker cables to. It is quite possible that they have some newer designs that don't have that problem.
Congrats on a awesome speaker choice, my father has the 20/20's and they are amazing! What about a digital amp for the bass and tubes for the mids and high's the 20/20 is 95db efficient and should love a vertical bi amp.
Huck55 Some people are quite happy with the Nuforce 8. It sells in that range. I know, for a fact, it can run your speakers to any loudness you can stand. There are digital power supply ICE amps aplenty. Some of them sell below $2000. Try to buy US, if you live here. Service is a bitch otherwise.