Buying brand new unheard equipment.

I have been on a long search for a phono amp and to say the least it has'nt been much fun, especially when you factor in that i seem to have champagne tastes and a beer budget.
Just when I was about to toss in the towel and give CD another whirl along came an ad for the PS Audio GCPH phono stage.It seems like the answer to all my problems except for one thing,its unproven.
PS Audio calls it a "statment" product. No doubt they are excited by it but am I being too hasty in buying an essentially unheard product.
Are you better off to sit on the fence and wait for the reviews to roll in?
To be honest none of my equipment is brand new they have all been dealer demos and have been out long enough to have been heard by reviewers and other audio fanatics.
I do realise that my own ears should be the final judge but I do appreciate another opinion.Yours.
How is this product "The answer to all my problems?"
The search for that special component, within budget, is part of the fun. Frustrating at times but that's the game.
If you mention the features and describe the sound you are looking for, there may be several suggestions which could fit your needs. I have found this forum to be a wealth of valuable information especially since I live in an area devoid of dealers.
I should have included some more info. I have a Classe' Four pre-amp and it's phono stage is ok. I know I can do better. It was better than average with my older cartridge a Stanton 881S. I then purchased a Linn Lp12 and as part of the deal it came with a Troika cartridge. The Classe' with 62db of gain just barely produces enough volume to be satisfying. I also have heard the Troika sound much better.
I had planned to replace the pre-amp but somewhere along the line I realised that it really wasn't the pre-amp at fault just it's phono stage.
The Troika has a very low out put(.1Mv) and it makes finding a phono stage that much more difficult. If I had an unlimited it would have been easy unfortunatly I don't.
The PS Audio GCPH offers lots of gain, selectable loading, the ability to run it directly to the amp, a fair price, and is available in Canada.
Really the biggest drawback is me. I have to research things to death.I won't be happy until I've heard from all of you, once I have considered your opinions and checked out the products that move you then I can buy in confidence.
You can see my comments on thier site- basically great extended upper end and open liquid midrange, this is compared to my great phono stage in my pre amp - not saying which one till it's sold though.

The GCph is a winner- just break it with my reverse RIAA files