Linn Components

Ok guys a little honesty will go a long way. I’m just wondering why Linn Gear in general is not well regarded, known or liked by many. I myself love the Linn sound, which in my opinion is more true to the music than most of my friends systems. I am not going to mention names of components as all of us have different tastes. I’m tired of having to explain why I have chosen Linn.

Tomryan,the attitude that people like you have,is the reason for my original post.In not so many words you want us to belive that your Air Tight Amp sounds better along with the Pilinius Amp.I tend to have different opinions about your hidden statement.I Have owned Pilinius amps
and one of my present amps the Klouth,will have 2 Pilinius
for lunch.Just because you had ,a salespearson that should
be selling everthing else but audio give you a demo it's not a valid reason to dislike and put down a brand,and be sarcastic.In the end what ever you like is all that counts.
"I’m tired of having to explain why I have chosen Linn."

Then why start this meaningless thread? Don't answer that, it was a retorical question.
I am amused that a criticism of Linn gear is that the salesman can't figure out how to make it work.
My Goodness we have a Philosopher in Lush.
Lighteen up and don't use such big words.
I have a very low tolerance for messing around with audio gear. In that sense at least, I am far from an audiophile. I just want reliable, easy to use equipment that makes the most involving music possible in my price range. This is one reason I love my Linn gear. At least based on my experience I really have no idea what our friend tomryan is talking about when he suggests the gear is somehow mysterious to use. It is about as simple as it gets. Of course, I really don't have first hand experience with the 20K CD 12, so I can’t speak to that.