Threshold s150 or Forte 4a amplifier?

I have a pair of 4 ohm speakers (2 Peerless High Def 5 1/4 Mid-woofer and Vifa Ring Radiator XT Tweeter in each cabinet) that are around 89 db/ in a fairly small listening room. I have a choice of either the Threshold s150 at 75 watts/channel or the Forte 4a at 50 watts/channel Class A. I am looking for some feed back on both of these amplifiers and suggestions on which amp I should Keep. Thanks in advance for all advise!
Another satisfied customer..........

You're welcome.

(Don't know about the others, but since the chassis is deeper, it may be further away.)
Thanks for the good info! I would like to here about the mods on the s150! I always welcome advice. I think I will try that transformer move before I decide. Any thing I should be cautious with?

Thanks again to all who have spoke up!
Although I plan on refining the mod cosmetiely some I also wanted to hear what it sounded like before I put to much work into it. So I looked in the PH.Book for someone who sells metal and I got a piece of 1/8" plate Aluminum channelling 8" long by 4" wide by 2" and cut it in half length wise and ended up with 2 8" pieces sort of U shaped like this ]. I trimed some of the inner flange after I took measurements with the faceplate removed. Unbolt the faceplate and just let it lie in front of the amp. The transformer wires will have some tie wraps holding them together which you may need to cut to give you more room to pull the transformer out. Measure to be sure you have enough room to put your new Aluminum extention between the amp and faceplate(4") You might want to measure first before you get you Aluminum some Transformers might have shorter wires. 4" was the max on mine with a just a bit extra. Line up the Aluminum to the amp and take mesurements to drill holes in the flange to line up with amp threaded holes. Once done bolt the extention to the amp useing org. faceplate bolts now move the faceplate in place and line up useing wedges now take measurements for drilling holes to mount faceplate. Next unbolt extention from amp and drill holes, now bolt it all back together ( I used stainless steel nut + bolt to mate faceplate to extention). Now you have a 4" gap on the top and bottom between the amp + faceplate. While I ponder what to do with that I just put plexey glass in place. Will probably get some Aluminum cut for a whole new top piece was thinking of a plexey glass top put who knows. Was wondering weather to add some heat sinks but as my amp runs cool I didn't bother. The nice thing about this mod is you can go back to stock if you want. After your done Let me kow how it compares to the Model 4 but believe me if you like the S150 now you will love it after. If you have any questions click on my user name and email me. Happy Modding Ken.
Thanks Gundam91, I was wondering how does the Proceed AMP5 compare to the Forte 4A? I heard the 4A's when my dealer was auditioning them in 1994 and they sounded awesome.
I decided to keep the Threshold! I went back and forth between the two. I couldn't decide! After pulling the transformer away from left side on the Threshold.... Ok I have decided to keep the Threshold! The Mod was only Temp. I will have to search for heat sinks and find a good machine shop to fabricate new Top and Bottom. I am going to have the top made from brushed aluminum! I think it will finish out nice! If any one is interested in the Forte Model 4 I just listed it on Audiogon! Thanks Benie and A_rt for you help! A-rt keep spreading the wealth!!!