Reliability of Cary Audio Products

I'm considering adding a second (all tube) system for my home office. Amongst the integrated amps that are being considered is the Cary SLI 80. A friend, who is also a long term retailer of audio products, suggested that Cary has a poor reliability record. He hasn't sold Cary for a long while, and from what I've read on Audiogon, he may be out of touch with Cary products. Comments from Cary owners would be appreciated.

I like reading the reviews on Amazon. It is very interesting the varying opinions of a product. I have yet to see any product with a reasonable number of reviews have a perfect, 5 star rating. Some evaluations have to be discounted completely, of course, and I have warily purchased items with only a 3 star average rating but also with only a handful of reviews. I found the products to be just fine. People's idea of quality varies. Some people see quality as a product that works as advertised with solid dependability. Others perceive quality to be how an item looks, feels and performs. One person is happy with his $15k car because it starts everyday and gets them to work year in and year out. Another person is happy with their $65k car because it looks and feels good and the dealer treats them like a king every time they have to take it in for repairs. Go figure.
Coming late here....just found this topic by doing a search as I think I might be somehow unlucky.
I had one CDP from Cary that fail completely and after a few attempts at repairing it, they offered great deal on a better replacement unit so I took it and it has been flawless for the last 3 yrs.
Got SLP-03 recently, brand new....the headphone jack never worked. Will be sending for warranty repair soon.
Got 120S MKII recently and seems to have a problem...loud hum in left channel.
I totally disagree with the cary statement of not been reliable I own a CD3/300 and a cary SLP-98

and I have it for about 4 years I never never have any

issues with the two units.

I just upgrade the preamp from SLP-98 to the SLP-05
Maybe I expect too much, but I've owned a pile of both pro and hifi stuff over many years and am surprised at how reliable it has generally been, so if something goes bad I freak. I sent an Acurus A250 amp (new back then) back to Mondial 3 times for channel buzz therapy, and sold it sooner than later. Am I lucky? I research most things before buying, but I do now expect stuff to never break, which is unrealistic but seems to work for me. I will never buy anything hinting of unreliability so I'm trying not to bug about Cary as i'd like one of their amps someday...say in ain't so!