Amp for Shahinian Diapasons

Recently upgraded to the Diapason with Double Eagle woofers. Anyone able to suggest a nice amp to match?

After something reasonably listening levels are not into the stratosphere :)

I was thinking Eastern Electic minimax pre and Belles power, Blue Circle Integrated, EE Minimax pre and Bedini power, AVI Lab integrated...

Any advice greatly appreciated...


Any reasonable amps for the Diapasons? I have told by 2 Diapason owners tat the Bedini amps are becoming unreliable with no support. Been looking for a Plinius? Any others that I should be looking for?
Plinius - only 250 or Reference. My SA-102 did not srive well Diapasons. The speakers really shined then I bought my 1st Spectron Musician III in 2005. Today the amp is more powewrful and more musical.

I know a few more owners of Diapason/Spectron combo and they love it. You neeed POWER and lots of it to see these speakers real capabilities.

Dick Shahinian also recommended to me Plinius SA-102...but Dick owned, at that time, two of them as monoblocks and of course it works fine with 400 watts per amp in pure class A
Recommended to me a single SA-100 for the Diapasons. He also said he was astounded how well a SA-50 drove them as well. I was not overly impressed when I heard Spectrons on Analysis speakers. Bob
Recommended to me a single SA-100 for the Diapasons. He also said he was astounded how well a SA-50 drove them as well. I was not overly impressed when I heard Spectrons on Analysis speakers "

It is very interesting how people can use the same equipment and hear very different sounds !

I owned Diapason for many years and I thought it would be my last speakers and I used many tube and ss amplifiers with it.

Comparing 2005 original Spectron (not today's Mk2) with Plinius SA-102 (practically the same as SA-100 you used) difference was enourmous. While Plinius was somewhat better then early Spectron in treble (cleaner and more extended) Spectron has more midrange testure and provided BASS(!) - as no other amplifier I tried before did including Plinius which sounded rather castrated. Its day/night difference, not subtle by any means. Incidently, Plinius SB-300 has much better bass then SA-100/2/3 but luck their finesse.

The other funny things that when I had to sell my beloved Diapason I moved to...Audio Analyses Omega speakers which are more suitable to my current small listening room. I admit it took me some time and efforts to make Omega/Spectron esceptionalpair.

You can disregard my words, of course but...The Absolute Sound gave Spectron/Audio Analyses (Omega) "Best Sound in The Show" in CES 2009" and these people are not deaf!
Thank you for your response but many factors can be at play in marring an otherwise worthy system. We have all seen this and it could have been at play during my audition of this system. I also like to think I know what music sounds like since I am married to a professional Musician.