
I read the ad... has anybody tried the NuForce products?
Before you try any expensive power conditioner, try the Brick Wall audio surge protector $249. We strongly recommend it.
Jason from NuForce
Here is the list of equipment used in the demo of the Ref 9.Pre amp- Mark Levinson 32s,Cardas Golden ref cable,Gallo Ref 3 speakers(no bass amp added),Shunyata hydra line conditioner,Cary cd.
Unless there was a particular problem with this pair of amps, the sound of this system was not very pleasant noted by all including the dealer . The Nuforce line in this case was not added. I was disappointed as a customer that it did not sound the way I had read that it should.
Jason, thanks for your response. I already have a Panamax
5300. How will that work for me? In the next week or two these amps will be put to the test against Levinson 33's driving Grand Utopia BE's. Even if they are close and can drive these speakers especially in the low end then they probably will be regarded as a giant killer. I believe the ref 9 with the extended bass will be used without any internal mods.
Do you have any recomendations for vibration control for Nuforce amps? I am using black diamond racing pucks and cones for my cdp and they work great!

I'm getting excellent results with my Reference 9s using a PS Audio UPC-200 AC line conditioner. I think it's always best to use some form of AC line filtering when possible.

As for using pucks, cones, and such, I've experimented briefly with some of those things, but I'm presently getting great results with the Ref 9s standing on their own feet on a couple of corian planks set on my carpet.

I've recently had a sonic breakthrough using the Benchmark DAC-1 via its fixed outputs through a buffered, unity-gain solid-state linestage and then into the Reference 9s.

To my ears, using the Benchmark's variable outputs directly into the amps produced a very detailed and intimate sound, but one that was on the bright and thin side of reality.

Then, rerouting the Benchmark, using its fixed outputs through my buffered linestage and then into the amps literally transformed the system. The soundstage dimensionality literally took command of the room and all of a sudden there was a richness to the lower midrange and bass that just wasn't there before. I am amazed at the transformation. I believe this is the best sound I've heard from any system at any time. It is most certainly the best sound I've ever experienced in my current listening room by a considerable margin. Obviously, the system could not sound this fantastic if the Reference 9s were not doing their part.

I'll be curious to hear your impressions of the Reference 9s in your system once you have a chance to play with them and do some listening. They will definitely show you what the rest of your gear is doing or not doing and you'll be well rewarded for each compatible system change you try.
Unless there was a particular problem with this pair of amps, the sound of this system was not very pleasant noted by all including the dealer . The Nuforce line in this case was not added. I was disappointed as a customer that it did not sound the way I had read that it should.

It is hard to comment without knowing how much breakin the dealer has allowed for the amp and whether anyone has attempted to re-configure the system or adjust for speakers toe-in position (toeing out). If you read many of the reviews (from professional reviewers to serious audiophiles) from magazines to online forums, they have taken the trouble to tune their systems. NuForce is ruthlessly revealing amount many other things. In addition, NuForce is a very neutral amp and it present the recording as it is. You don't find people describing it as warmth or sweet (to me that's distorted sound but hey, there is no right or wrong, music is very personal). So by introducing a neutral amp into a system that has been very well compensated can suddently appear off balance.